By David Armitage, Cartasite Encana has a highly effective incentive program in place to reward the safest drivers, and ROVR has created an environment of constructive competition between those employees. Each Monday morning when the ROVR scorecard emails are sent out to the drivers, the talk around the water cooler is all about the score – “I got a 93 this week, what did you get?” Getting a perfect score is next to impossible. Last year, 61 Encana employees managed to get nearly perfect scores and they spontaneously formed The 100 Club. Getting into the 100 Club carries huge bragging rights among Encana drivers and many accolades during the quarterly safety meetings. It takes just a few seconds to install Cartasite’s ROVR into the OBD plug found next to the steering column on every car and truck built since 1996. Inside of this tiny black box is an accelerometer which measures subtle movements of the vehicle that have been shown to be indicative of distracted or aggressive driving patterns. A GPS assesses speed verses speed limit, and a cellular transmitter streams all of this data back to cloud servers. Cartasite developed sophisticated algorithms that translate all of this data into a scorecard which is emailed to each driver every week. The scorecard is the key, assessing the performance of individual drivers against the whole population. Research has shown that given constructive feedback, each of us will change our behavior. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health reported in 2011 that over 40% of all injuries and fatalities in the oil and gas industry were attributed to vehicular operations. Additionally, nearly one third of all fatalities were due to highway motor vehicle crashes as reported in a study of deaths in the industry between 2003- 2008. For years the industry has tried a myriad of strategies to influence behavior, yet the risk of motor vehicle incidents remains a challenge for the industry and remains at the top of the list of hazards. According to a New York Times article, “Nearly a third of the 648 deaths of oil field workers from 2003 through 2008 were in highway crashes, according to the most recent data analyzed by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. By contrast, highway crashes caused roughly a fifth of workplace fatalities across all industries in 2010.” As the industry continues to focus on safety, Cartasite’s reporting system will allow companies like Encana to lead the way to better safety habits among its employees – with the goal of helping to prevent future tragedies as reported by the New York Times. Founded in 2004, Cartasite is transforming field operations for the oil and gas industry by connecting every vehicle, every asset, and every remote worker. Optimized for the demands of global exploration, production, and service companies, Cartasite is enhancing safety, security, and efficiency for some of the most successful corporations in the world through its real-time tracking and monitoring devices.